In the age of big data, machine learning technology has been effectively utilized in various fields such as image processing, genomics, engineering computing, macroeconomic forecasting, and medical diagnosis. However, despite its success, applying data-driven computing and machine learning in engineering analytics still presents many unresolved challenges. With the aim of promoting research and the application of big data analysis, data-driven computing, and artificial intelligence in engineering, as well as fostering scientific communications among scientists, practitioners and engineers from related fields, the first International Conference on Data-Driven Computing and Machine Learning in Engineering (DACOMA) conference was held in 2019 in Shanghai, China and was hosted by Tongji University, with Prof. Hehua Zhu and Prof. Timon Rabczuk as its chairs. The second DACOMA conference was hosted by Tsinghua University in 2022, with Prof. Zhanli Liu and Prof. Xiaoying Zhuang as its chairs. The third DACOMA conference was hosted by Beijing Institute of Technology in 2023, with Prof. Pengwan Chen, Prof. Zhanli Liu and Prof. Xiaoying Zhuang as its chairs.
The fourth International Conference on Data-Driven Computing and Machine Learning in Engineering (DACOMA-24) will be held in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China, from 12-14 October, 2024. DACOMA-24 will be hosted by Hohai University, and jointly organized by Leibniz University Hannover, Tongji University, Bauhaus University Weimar, Tsinghua University, Beijing Institute of Technology, German Association of Computational Mechanics, Chinese Association of Computational Mechanics and Jiangsu Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. The conference will be held with Prof. Hongwu Tang from Hohai University, Prof. Timon Rabczuk from Bauhaus University Weimar and Prof. Hehua Zhu from Tongji University serving as the conference chairs. This year's conference will continue to focus on machine learning and AI in general for relevant topics in Engineering and Science.
We sincerely invite experts, colleagues, and students in the fields of data-driven computational mechanics and machine learning to participate in the conference. We are looking forward to seeing you in Nanjing. We believe that you will enjoy the wide variety of activities of the DACOMA-24, as well as your stay in this elegant city.
2024.1007Conference Second AnnouncenentConference Second Announcenent
2024.0827Conference First AnnouncementConference First Announcement
The topics of DACOMA-24, including but not restricted to
1. Dynamic Data-Driven Computing
2. Uncertainty Analysis of Geomechanical Model
3. Data-Driven Engineering Applications
4. Data-Driven Constitutive Models
5. Machine Learning-Based Solution for Partial Differential Equations
6. Machine Learning-Based Image Reconstruction of Materials
7. Machine Learning-Based Metamaterials and Advanced Materials Design
8. Data-Driven Techniques in Multiscale and Multiphysics Simulations
9. Visualization and Analysis of Multi-source Data
10. Big Data Design and Optimization
11. Data-Driven Simulation Techniques
12. Machine Learning for Materials Characterization
13. Data-Driven Techniques for Continuous and Discrete Methods
14. High Performance Data Processing
15. Other
25 September, 2024:Hotel Reservation Deadline
10 August, 202430 August, 2024:Abstract Submission Deadline -
20 August, 202410 September, 2024:Abstract Acceptance Notice -
Before 15 August, 2024:Early-Bird Registration
From 16 August, 2024 to 30 September, 2024:Regular Registration
After 1 October, 2024:Late and On-Site Registration
12-14 October, 2024:DACOMA-24 Conference Date